This is a nice quiet group visit with friends who love our therapy dogs!
TEAM TDU: We are currently Covid free! We do not require masks to be worn in the building, it is up to personal preference. We do not require testing, unless symptoms are present. Sign in and temps are mandatory at reception desk. We may revert back to precautious should we a have a positive case, in such event all volunteers would be required to wear masks during visit.
Who to speak to: Upon entering the lobby, volunteers must sign in at reception. There they will receive a visitors badge that allows access to the elevator. Receptionist will direct volunteers where to go.
Visiting Location: All visitations will take place in Activities Room (Chapel) located on the first floor directly to the left of the elevator. All residents who wish to see the therapy dogs will be located here.
Attending Therapy Dogs:
- Kathy Sinnott, Boone - Golden Retriever
- Andrea Fadrigo-Estrella, Gulliver - Australian Labradoodle