Tutors with a Tail
"Tutors with a Tail" Reading Program
Therapy Dogs United knows that dogs in school rule! Our Tutors with a Tail program not only visits school-aged students in the classroom but at your local library free of charge. Our certified therapy dogs also visit independent and franchised bookstores nationwide.
"Tutors with a Tail" invites children of all ages and reading ability to read to one of our four-legged friends. Our program spells SUCCESS and our improved reading scores tell the story. In 2015, a pilot study conducted with 3rd grader students at Erie First Christian Academy in Erie, Pennsylvania showed reading levels increased 38 words per minute when reading to a certified therapy dog. That's compared to an average of 27 words per minute when the student read independently or to a peer.
Let us show you how reading to a therapy dog can help!
Reading to a therapy dog can be less intimidating than reading to a human. Reading to a certified therapy dog can provide an instant sense of calm because our dogs have "non-judgmental ears." Our dogs don't mind if a child mispronounces a word or is slow to read ~ we love to sit by and enjoy a good book! Our "Tutors with a Tail" program is an alternative reading program for early readers, struggling readers (Title 1), children with dyslexia or students learning English as a second language.
We are actively seeking financial aid and in-kind new and used book donations to ensure this program continues without interruption. Funding is necessary to purchase new and used books, Team TDU's custom "Therapy Dog Doodles" coloring books, bookmarks, canine-specific therapy dog coloring pages, awards and certificates.
Our mini "Tutors with a Tail" program is held at our Erie office and we welcome you to stop in, grab a book and visit with a therapy dog! Check out our events calendar for dates and times.